IPL/Laser Hair Removal
IPL/Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a fast and gentle way to remove unwanted hair with permanent results.
With the most advanced medical grade equipment, pulses of light target pigment in the hair, this converts to heat which disables the cells responsible for growing new hair.
The process is for all hair types excluding grey.
You can expect to see significant results within three to eight treatments.
It’s important to avoid sun exposure 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks post your IPL treatments.
What are the
benefits of IPL?
reducing the appearance of fine lines, enlarged pores & skin texture
fading of freckles, age spots, liver spots and any signs of photo aging skin
reducing the redness, flushing & appearance of Rosacea
shrinkage, fading and disappearance of spider veins
fading and controlling the over production of pigmentation caused from melasma
stimulating the cells that product collagen.