Precious Oil (30ml)



Light yellow, clear serum. You will all be familiar with the very popular natural Algae Maceration, which is a highly concentrated solution of the seaweed FucusVesiculosiswhich provides all the many beautiful and healthy benefits of the sea. Elixir de Pen Lan is an extremely powerful and natural seaweed concentrate. Not just of Fucus, but of the complete Algo 4 Complex.


Algo 4 Complex: Comprised of UndariaPinnatifida (Brown Algae) ,PorphyridiumCruentum (Red Micro Algae), Alpine Sea Holly and Sea Fennel.
To protect, oxygenate, nourish and stimulate the skin.
AlariaEsculenta: Vitamins and minerals.
Fucus: Vitamins and minerals providing remineralization for achieving skin health.
Organic Cotton Oil & Hazelnut Oil: For softening dry, tight skin.
Natural Vitamin E: Powerful ant-oxidant.